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ZOOM Lesson Resources

ZOOM Lesson Resources

HELON House Lesson Resources
ZOOM Lesson Resources A list of downloadable zoom lesson resources at HELON House
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Judges Part 9

Today, we examine the subject matter prevalent in the days of the judges – a time when there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in their own eyes.


Monkey business

• No credibility

• No godly standards

• No godly guidance or counsel

Judges - Part-9.pdf
Judges - Part 10

Tonight’s class represents our last class in the book of Judges – the study highlights the despicable acts of moral decadence that precipitates a civil war in the land. Some of the sons of Belial had gone just too far!

  • Absence of moral standards
  • Appeasing lewdness
  • Anarchy and Civil war
  • And Rule shifting and tricks avail


Judges - Part-10.pdf
Jesus - Part 1

The quintessential Problem Solver - Jesus

Jesus - Part-1.pdf
Jesus Part 2

Today, we begin to examine each of these characteristics as we strive to reflect them through our daily living. - Clocks!

Jesus - Part-2.pdf
Jesus (Joy) - Part 3

We will begin to appreciate His teachings as the ultimate expression and true standard of daily living once we begin to put His teachings into practice throughout our lives.

What we would soon discover is, that we can maintain a lifestyle filled with joy – Sounds impossible? Well, join us tonight on zoom to know how!

Jesus - Part-3.pdf
Jesus (Joy) - Part 4

There are different types of Joy recorded in the Scriptures – Can you list them?

You and I would agree that Joy is indeed contagious! Keep your joy tank full by spreading it!

Today we look at some helpers of our joy. One area of emphasis is the joy stored inside your mouth – That’s right! I did not misspeak…Joy is packed right in there … in your mouth!

Jesus - Part-4.pdf
Jesus - Part 5

We all must have a reason behind our daily pursuits and dreams. These reasons are responsible for the outcome we currently experience. For maximum joy, there must be an emotional reason attached!

Is there a reason - Part-5.pdf
They knew not the LORD - Part 6

We look at one of the obstacles that tampers with our joy. In our study today, we shall see what the Lord God does to remove its disruptive nature from affecting our lives.

They Knew Not the LORD - Part-6.pdf
Ichabod - Part 7

Today we look at the word Ichabod – Do you know what that means? Religious observances and practices without the presence of God!.

Ichabod - Part-7.pdf
God Captured

Today, we see what happened after the Philistines captured the Ark of the Lord. We will learn about the things hidden from the casual attendance to the Scriptures but pleasantly situated on the table for the diligent student. These are truths that the Spirit of the Lord has revealed for our understanding and admonition.

God Captured - Part-8.pdf
Israel desires a King - Part 9

Today, we discuss the turning point in Israel’s history. They desired a king to rule over them. Up unto this time, they had the Lord God as their King, but they rejected Him. Instead, they preferred a king of their own choosing. They wanted to look like their neighbors.

Their choice will have an eternal consequence. What type of king will they have? Well, The Lord shows them everything about the nature and type of king they had requested!

Israel Desires a King - Part-9.pdf
King Saul - Part 10

Today, we discuss the transition of Israel under a King. King Saul was chosen for his physical attributes. The events leading up to him being crowned as King is very interesting. It begins with the search and return of his father’s missing cattle.

What does the search for cattle have to do with the coronation of a king?

King Saul - Part-10.pdf
King Saul - Part 12

Today, we examine the character of King Saul and the rash decisions and vows he made under pressure. His lack of attention to detail cost him the throne and precipitated his ultimate rejection as king of Israel

King Saul - Part-12.pdf
King Saul - Part 13

Today, we examine the root causes behind his abominations – witchcraft, iniquity, and idolatry.

King Saul - Part-13.pdf
David - 1 Samuel - Part 14

Today, we look at the house of Jesse and the Lord’s assignment for Samuel. Every assignment from the Lord seems like a death sentence to the casual observer – Come and die! But to the student of the Bible, they contain the rich evidence of His presence, power, and purpose. David was not identified by name at the initiation of the assignment given to Samuel, neither was he present when it began to unfold, but He became the eventual recipient of that assignment.

What have you missed because our name was not specifically mentioned as part of the roll call?

David - 1 Samuel - Part 14.pdf
David 1 Samuel - Part 15

In today’s lesson, we look at an important subject in our study of 1 Samuel – The voices in your life.

The Bible tells us there are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without signification – 1 Corinthians 14:10

There are many voices in the world, among these are 4 important one under consideration today. That is: - the voice of the adversary; the voice of destiny; the voice of the crowd; your voice; the voice of courage and the voice of victory.

David - 1 Samuel - Part 15.pdf
David - 1 Samuel - Part 16

Favor, Managing its distinguishing qualities

In today’s lesson, we look at an important aspect of life associated with the favored – We all pray for favor and its inherent benefits, but do we know how to maintain the favor once becoming exposed to it?

Favor attracts both dream makers, king makers, dream killers and saboteurs. We should realize there are distinctive and distinguishing qualities found in those that enjoy favor.

David - 1 Samuel - Part 16.pdf
David & Jonathan - 1 Samuel Part 17

Today as we continue our studies in the book of 1 Samuel, we look at the enduring friendship between David and Jonathan. Some friendships produce life-long covenants. There is a lot to be learned here.

We are commanded not to forsake our own friends or the friends of our fathers. Scripture tells us they are more reliable in times of calamity than the assistance which may be obtained from a brother afar off.

David & Jonathan - 1 Samuel - Part 17.pdf
David - Escapes to Nob - 1 Samuel - Part 18

Inappropriate behavior wipes out entire priesthood.

In today’s study we examine the reckless behavior of David as he flees from the presence of King Saul. The aftermath of his ploy or tactic occasioned the death of all but one person in the city of priests including their families.

Can you recall another instance in Scripture where David will behave inappropriately in order to escape danger?

We will examine the significance of all these in our study today.

David - Escapes to Nob - 1 Samuel - Part 18_0.pdf
David – Wilderness Begins - 1 Samuel Part 19

Today, we begin to study the life of David in the wilderness – a place of preparation for the throne of Israel. That was also the place where David received strength from a timely but unlikely confidant while fleeing from King Saul.

We will all pass through the wilderness along our journey of life. The amount of time spent there is dependent on many factors. The most significant of which, is our obedience to the word of the Lord.

These lessons are critical to our understanding of our destiny and walk with the LORD.

David - Wilderness Begins - 1 Samuel - Part 19.pdf